Sites/pages about Saratov in English
Businesses, enterprises, companies
Funds of European Cooperation
Represents foreign companies in Russia, supports them on the Russian market, offers market research and export consulting.
United Glass Enterprises of Saratov
Information about the enterprises and the production. Saratov Steklo, Saratov Stroy Steklo and other enterprises in the group.
Education: universities, colleges, schools
Saratov State University
The official site of Saratov State University. English version. All news and information.
Saratov State Socio-Economic University
The official site. All news and information. English version.
Funds of European Cooperation
Offers individual internship programs and language courses for foreign students and employers in Russia (in Saratov, Moscow and other cities).
General information and photos
Welcome to Saratov
Information about Saratov: history, geography, transportation, business, culture and much more at
Saratov – Regional Profile
from the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce®.
Saratov Region
at Kommersant (Russia’s Daily Online).
Saratov Region
Information about Saratov Region: Administrative divisions, politics, history, culture and everything you might want to know about Saratov. Photos of old Saratov.
Saratov City Self-Description
by the Office of the First Vice-Mayor, Dmitry F. Ayatskov. 1993.
Slovakia Hotel
Information about Slovakia hotel at English version.
The Volga Germans
History of Volga Germans and German colonies on Volga. Art, churches, maps, and other information related to Volga Germans.
Other closely related sites
Friendly Russia
All you need to know about Russia.